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Mediation as an Alternative Method of Dispute Resolution in the Civil Field in Kosovo

Skender Gojani1, Ardian Mehmetaj2 & Lirie Hoti3


Mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution and as such creates legal effects. Therefore, in this paper, mediation will be analyzed as an alternative method of dispute resolution in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the applicability of this process in Kosovo in the civil field. Furthermore, this paper will delve into the concept of mediation, its legal implications, comparative advantages vis-à-vis judicial proceedings, and based on qualitative data, provide recommendations for its continued enhancement, addressing delays and advocating for pertinent changes within the context of Kosovo. This study successfully addresses all research inquiries, achieves stipulated objectives, comprehensively examines the evolution and ongoing implementation of mediation in Kosovo, underscores its benefits, and derives actionable recommendations for its progressive evolution within the region. This study is based on the empirical methodology which presents the findings from the empirical data.

Keywords: mediation, alternative method, judicial procedure and legal effect.
