Home > Publications > Ethical Leadership and its Role in Achieving Academic Excellence in Universities

Ethical Leadership and its Role in Achieving Academic Excellence in Universities

Jamal Awwad Alkharman1, Sadam Hussin Abdallh Bany Kasem2, Najwa Abdel Hamid darawsheh3, Saierah Aabed4, Suzan Ganayem5, Menas Mahameed6 & Rema Salh Haeb7


The study aimed to identify the degree of practicing ethical leadership in achieving academic excellence among faculty members in Jordanian universities from their point of view. The descriptive survey method was used, and the study sample consisted of (384) faculty members. The questionnaire was used as a study tool for the academic year 2023/2024.The study found that the degree of practicing ethical leadership in achieving academic excellence among faculty
members in Jordanian universities, from their point of view, was high.The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences because of the gender variable, which was in favour of males, and the type of college, which was in favour of humanities colleges, as for the years variable, Experience was in favour of the category of 10 years or more, and light of the results of the study. The researchers recommended the necessity of conducting more studies and research on ethical leadership and the level of its impact on other variables.

Keywords: Ethical Leadership, Academic Excellence, Jordanian Universities.
