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Problems of Investigation of Crimes in the Field of Information Technology

Ruslan Jilkishiyev1 &Yernar Begaliyev2


The purpose of the study is to analyse the main problems that law enforcement agencies and information technology security specialists face when investigating cybercrime. In particular, the research work is also aimed at identifying the main shortcomings in the process of investigating crimes in the relevant area, analysing the legal acts governing these legal relations, and elucidating foreign experience in further improving the investigation of
cybercrime. The methods that were used to write the work are as follows: legal hermeneutics, comparative, statistical, method of analysis, synthesis. The main results of the study were: clarification of the concept of “information technology”, as well as the categories involved in this concept, in particular, information legal relations, cybercrimes; analysis of the legislation regulating relations in the information sphere and the main shortcomings of the relevant legislation of Kazakhstan, possible improvements in regulatory legal acts.

Keywords: Cybercrime; Cybersecurity; Computer Crimes; Cyberspace; Rights and Freedoms.
