Home > Publications > The Role of Using Artificial Intelligence for Improving the Public Service Provision and Fraud Prevention

The Role of Using Artificial Intelligence for Improving the Public Service Provision and Fraud Prevention

Vitalii Kruhlov1, Oleksandr Bobos2, Olha Hnylianska3, Vasyl Rossikhin4 & Yevhenii Kolomiiets5


The aim of the article was to establish the effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) for improving the public service provision. The aim was to determine the choice of law enforcement practice of EU member states and Ukraine for comparative analysis. Statistical methods and comparative law were employed as the basis of the research. The conducted research showed that the proposed EU regulatory framework for the development and use of artificial intelligence is aimed at analysing risks, promoting the use of human-oriented and trustworthy AI. It was established that introducing communication and cooperation procedures using large language models such as ChatGPT can optimise public service provision. The positive impact of the implementation of AI on the efficiency of public services was proved by applying a justified system of indicators. The analysis results gave grounds for proposing an approach to implementing artificial intelligence in public services. The prospects for further research will be the analysis of the implementation of the proposed EU Law on Artificial Intelligence in EU countries, considering the implementation of AI in the provision of public services.

Keywords: consumer protection; state policy in the field of consumer protection; artificial intelligence; innovative technologies; digital divide.
