Home > Publications > Specificity of Criminalisation in the Jordanian Environmental Protection Law

Specificity of Criminalisation in the Jordanian Environmental Protection Law

Ali Al-Hammouri1and Tareq Al-Billeh2

This article aims to analyse the specificity of criminalisation in the Environmental Protection Law. Environmental justice is achieved by providing a legally fair framework that regulates and enforces penalties and legal measures against violators of environmental protection laws. The Jordanian Environmental Protection Law has sought to enhance the privacy of criminalisation. It accurately defines criminal acts by identifying and classifying environmental violations as crimes. The competent authorities responsible for the environment are entitled to monitor environmental activities and collect evidence to summon the violators. They use their legal authorities to establish investigations and collect the data and information necessary to make official charges. And when this is achieved, those
accused of ecological actions such as polluting oceans or infringement of natural resources in return are entitled to exercise their legal rights and defend themselves.
After that, a suit is filed supported by the collected evidence and a verdict is
issued. Environmental penalties resulting from criminalisation can include fines,
imprisonment and compensation for environmental damage.

Keywords: environmental crimes, environmental justice, environmental protection law, criminalisation privacy
