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Analysis of Medico Legal aspects of Forensic Autopsy: Scenario and Challenges in Sindh, Pakistan

Shabana Kausar1 & Ali Raza Leghari2

Medico legal autopsy is one of the significant areas in criminal justice. This article highlights the practices of Medico legal autopsy and presents the challenges in province of Sindh, Pakistan. The potential audience of this paper are the medico-legal practitioners. Qualitative methods were used to conduct this study. The study used both primary and secondary data for this research. However, a significant part of the study is based on secondary sources. The results
suggest that the forensic labs in Sindh province lack equipment and funds to sufficiently analyze medico-legal autopsies. The study recommends more funding and equipment along with improvement in human resources.

Keywords: Medico-legal, Autopsy, Forensic, Post-mortem, Exhumation, Preservation, External Examination, Complete Autopsy, Poisoning Cases, Pakistan
