Home > Publications > Criminological and Criminal Signs of Mental Violence in Crimes against Public Security under the Criminal Law of Ukraine

Criminological and Criminal Signs of Mental Violence in Crimes against Public Security under the Criminal Law of Ukraine

Ganna Sobko1, Dmytro Loza2, Andrii Svintsytskyi3, Volodymyr Firman4 & Rostyslav Shchokin5

The article discusses topical issues of mental violence in the criminal legislation of Ukraine, based on the articles ―Robbery‖, ―Extortion‖, ―Fraud‖ and ―Threat to Property‖ of the section ―Criminal Offences against Property‖. Particular attention is paid to the empirical framework that was compiled based on the indicators of the Office of the Procurator-General of Ukraine and the convictions of Ukrainian courts under these articles. On the basis of the abovementioned, objective indications of the existence of mental violence in these offenses are identified, their significance is analysed, and mental violence is substantiated by the examples of court verdicts. Based on the analysis, proposals for supplementing the mandatory object in the form of mental health were developed. With the aim of improving the skills of investigators in the field of psychology, criminal law, and criminology, it is proposed to develop an algorithm of actions of investigators concerning the detection of mental violence in the
commission of criminal offences against property.

Keywords: property crimes, property offenses, mental violence, threat, coercion, criminal liability.
