Home > Publications > Critical Assessment: Reforms and Significance of effective Police Training to Counter Terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan

Critical Assessment: Reforms and Significance of effective Police Training to Counter Terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan

Farhat Ullah

Maintenance of peace in the society by improving law and order
situation is the responsibility of police. Police training is one of the critical
problems of the world including Pakistan. The routine application of police
training is outdated now, as, in past the role of police was restricted to
ordinary crime prevention only. Police responsibilities increased many fold
in the shape of countering terrorism after the terrorist incident of 9/11.
The rationale for this was that, in past police in Pakistan did not face such
issue of terrorism. This situation significantly increases the need for new
and modern training for law enforcement personnel at all levels. Every
aspect of police training has a role in improving police efficiency. There is a
need to reorganize the whole structure of police training. This paper serves
as a focal point for law enforcement and policymakers at all levels of
government to know about the constraints in police training and to see the
benefits of regular training and the opening of new specialized police
training schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan and the need of
further advance training and education.

Keywords: Change, significance, police, Training, Education, Reforms,
