Home > Publications > Trafficking in Persons: Faulty Regulations, Pervasive Corruption and Flawed Prevention in Pakistan

Trafficking in Persons: Faulty Regulations, Pervasive Corruption and Flawed Prevention in Pakistan

Muhammad Munir

Trafficking in persons is rampant in Pakistan. It results in many crimes
such as prostitution, begging, forced labor, organ transplantation and
bonded labor. The findings of this paper are that trafficking in persons is
one of the most serious issues in Pakistan; that the current legal regime is
not enough to combat this menace; that police and other officials are often
themselves involved in this organized crime; that Pakistan could overcome
this problem by strengthening legal regime and enhance punishments for
offenders of this crime; that Pakistan must accede to the UN TIP
Protocol and implement the same to overcome this problem.

Key Words: Trafficking in persons, smuggling, migration, bonded labor,
legal regulations, Pakistan.
