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PJC Vol 6 No 2 July - December 2014

'Situation and Scope' of Existing Labour Laws to Address the Issues of Home-Based Women Workers in Pakistan

Impact of TV Crime Shows on Rob Criminals of District Camp Jail, Lahore: A Critical Analysis of Travis Hirschi's Social Bond Theory

Sociological Analysis of Mass Media Role in Promotion of Mob Violence (A Case Study of Two Selected Cities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)

Child Victimization: Case Study of Child Scavengers in Twin Cities of Pakistan

Crime and Institutional Response: A Study of Mobile Snatching and Street Assaults in Pakistan

Theoretical Analysis of Socio-Economic and Political Causes of Terrorism in Pakistan

Environment of Crimes and Violence at Community Level and its Exclusionary Effects on Children

Structure of Violence in Pakistani Schools: A Gender Based Analysis

Gender Differences in Depression Among the Affectees of War on Terrorism and the Role of Psychological Interventions in the Rehabilitation

Delaying Tactics used by Lawyers in Dispensation of Civil Justice in Lower Courts of Pakistan

Corporal Punishment as a Means of Discipline for Children (A Case Study of District Nowshera, Kpk Pakistan)

Dynamics of Gender Based Violence: Investigating the Effects of Violence in Pakistani School on School Dropout and Loss of Creativity among Students

Crime and Insurgency in FATA: A Public Perception Survey of Khyber Agency

Testing the Vires of Protection of Pakistan Act (PPA), 2014 on the Touchstone of Constitution

The Nexus of Legal Institution with Child Trafficking From The Perspective of Experts and Policy Analysts of Peshawar



PJC Vol 6 No 1 January 2014

Policing Financial Crime: Challenges in White-Collar Defense Lawyer Strategies

The Costs of the War on Terrorism: Revisiting the Methodology used for Cost Estimation in Pakistan

Causes for Delay in Civil Justice in Lower Courts of Pakistan: A Review

Sufferings of Families who Became Victims of Bomb Blasts and Suicide Attacks in Pakistan: A Case Study of Three Cities

The Economic Position of Family and its Relationship with Child Trafficking: A Study from the Perspective of Policy Analysts and Experts

Students Perspective on Corporal Punishment: A Case Study of High Schools Students in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

A Critical Discourse of Child Victimization and Abuses through Labor in Pakistan

The Role of Internet use in the Adoption of Deviant Behavior among University Students

The Level of Distress Among the Victims of War and Terrorism and the Role of Psychological Interventions in their Rehabilitation

The Crime of Rape and The Hanafi Doctrine of Siyasah

Disaster Relief Corruption A Case Study of Balakot Town

Political Stability of Afghanistan: A Prerequisite for Stability of Pakistan and South Asia

Causes of Violence Against Women in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa

Policing Money Laundering: A Case Study of Afghanistan

Criminal Ideation: The Role of Personal Growth and Criminality

Culture Distortion and the Rise of Militancy in Swat

Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) and Writ of the State: A Study on Local Peoples Perception in Khyber Agency

Global Anti-Money Laundering Regime and Pakistan


PJC Vol 5 No 2 July - December 2013

Female Police Officers and Use of Firearms in the New York City Police Department

Urban V. Rural: Measuring Collective Efficacy in Two Different Populations

The History and Development of Probation Service in Pakistan and in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Jirga System in Pakhtun Society: An Informal Mechanism for Dispute Resolution

Pakhtun Cultural Values, Terrorism and the Contextual Meaning of Violence

Motivations for Pakistani Religious Extremists to Become Terrorists

Local Peace Committees: Potentials Contributing Factors in the Peace-building Process in Conflict-Affected Areas of Pakistan {A Case Study of Maidan, (Lower Dir) in the Province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa}

Current and Emerging Threat of Terrorism in South Asia

Improving Interdisciplinary Research on Policing and Security

Amendments to Anti-Terrorism Law of Pakistan: An Overview

International Crime and its Subsequent Development

Pakistan Child Protection Legislative and Policy Frameworks: 1 A Critical Review

Application of Demographic Variables in Measuring the Perception of Child Trafficking in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan 

Gender Role Perception and Exposure to Violence at Schools: A Study of Selected Schools* in District Mardan & Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Correlates of Resilience in Police Officers from England and Pakistan: A Cross National Study

Perceptions of Middle Aged Men and Women about Women Killers

An Analysis of the Probable Association Between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and a Rage-Type Murder Event (Part 1)

The Role of Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Rage-Type Murder (Part 2) 

Leveraging Change: Developing a Gender Niche in Policing in Pakistan




PJC Vol 5 No 1 Jan - June 2013 ― Special Issue on Gender Responsive Policing & Women in Law-Enforcement) Guest Editor Prof. James F. Albrecht (USA)

Gender Responsive Policing and Women in Law Enforcement Comments from the Guest Editor

Assessing Gender-Responsive Approaches to Community Policing: A Comparison between the United States and South Korea

Networking Women: The Australasian Council of Women and Policing

Personal Perspectives: Challenges for Women in Policing within the Caribbean

Sensitive Policing Practices: Handling Women and Vulnerable Groups

Vigilantism and the Police: Assessing the Perception of Pakistani Women about the Gender Related Ineffectiveness of the Police and the Preference for Vigilante Acts in Lahore

The 2nd International Islamic Women Police Conference on Gender Responsive Policing: Building Synergies for Gender Reforms in Law Enforcement

Policing behind the Veil: Problems involving Female Police Officers in Pakistan

Women Police Officers and Gender Issues in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Attracting Women to Police Work in Pakistan Elizabeth K. Seale, Fida Mohammad and Gregory Fulkerson

Women in Law Enforcement: The American Experience

Female Police Officers in Turkey: Challenges and Expectations

Women in Policing in the Federal Republic of Germany

Female Perceptions toward the Women Police Officer Profession in Pakistan: Case Studies of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

An Evaluation on Means to Enhance the Effectiveness of the Police “First Information Report” in Cases Involving Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Pakistan

A Critical Evaluation: Women in the Punjab Police

Balochistan Police Initiatives for Gender Responsive Policing




