Understanding Pakhtun Hujra (A Socio-Cultural Institute) and its Relevance to Peacebuilding
Nizar Ahmad1 & Niaz Muhammad2
The study aims at highlighting the relevance of Pakhtun Hujra (a sociocultural institute) with peacebuilding in Pakhtun tribal society of Pakistan. A
qualitative study was conducted in District Bajaur of Pakhtun tribal areas of
Pakistan. Data were collected from 50 local in hibitants of the area through indepth interviews using interview guide as a tool. Participants of the study were
purposively selected based on their knowledge and experience with local
peacebuilding mechanisms. It was noted that Pakhtun Hujra is one of local
intuitions with peacebuilding functions. The local people call Hujra “Da Aman
Kor” (The House of Peace) as it‟s a sanctuary for people in trouble. Further, Hujra
also functions as a court room and parliament for the local villagers. It is
concluded that Pakhtun Hujra is a peace friendly space of Pakhtun villages and is
of vital importance to peacebuilding organizations. It is suggested that Hujra can
be used a resource center for peacebuilding related activities by government and
non-governmental organizations.
Keywords: Peacebuilding, Conflict Resolution, Pakhtun Society, Cultural