Home > Publications > The Fall and Rise of Restorative Justice: A Historical Account of its Notion, Practices and Possible Lessons Learned

The Fall and Rise of Restorative Justice: A Historical Account of its Notion, Practices and
Possible Lessons Learned

Theo Gavrielides & John Winterdyk

Much has been written on the theory and practice of restorative justice (hereafter RJ). It’s
effectiveness for restoring communities, reintegrating offenders and healing victims has
been outlined. However, very little research has been done on the history of RJ. While
publications tend to focus on its implementation since 1970, the historical roots of RJ have
been left unexplored. Through analysis of historical and contemporary sources, this article
aims to provide a solid historical account of RJ. By developing a more thorough, historical
understanding of RJ, a better sense of its current and future challenges and opportunities can
be developed.

Keywords: History, Restorative Justice, Acephalous, Greek History, Middle Ages
