Home > Publications > The Drug Trade and the Death Penalty in Pakistan: Childhood and Practical Remarks from a Narrative – Existential Point of View

The Drug Trade and the Death Penalty in Pakistan: Childhood and Practical Remarks from a Narrative – Existential Point of View

J. M. (Johan) Ras

The death penalty is an appropriate sentence for all those involved in the drug trade. This
trade can be stopped through the political will of government, the implementation of the
military to fight the war against drugs, by treating drug dealers as terrorists, through the
expansion of the death sentence, by holding families responsible, through the confiscation of
the assets of drug dealers, by breaking up the Taliban links with the drug trade, through
considering radical counter-drug measures, and by getting criminal justice scholars involved
in creating and implementing solutions to this problem.

Keywords: Drug Choice, Drug Wars, Kill the Drug Trade, Narco-Terrorists, Death Penalty, Execution, Confiscate Assets, Taliban, Radical Counter-drug Measures, Talks, Criminal Justice
