Home > Publications > The Community Penalties in the Jordanian Criminal Law: What are the Alternatives to Liberty-Depriving Penalties?

The Community Penalties in the Jordanian Criminal Law: What are the Alternatives to Liberty-Depriving Penalties?

Tareq Al-Billeh1 and Hamzeh Abu Issa2

The article deals with community penalties as one of the modern and alternative penalties to liberty-depriving penalties because of their importance in achieving a balance between restraint and deterrence on the one hand against reform and rehabilitation on the other hand in addition to demonstrating the importance of these community penalties in addressing the problem of prison overcrowding and reducing financial costs on the state in addition to stating at the legal impact of the amendments made to the Jordanian Penal Code of 2022 regarding the community penalties. In fact, the liberty-negative penalty causes the prisoner to feel a number of negative psychological feelings such as social humiliation, so that the research problem is to address those community penalties through demonstrating the concept of community service and monitoring the community via electronic means, the prohibition of the convict from going to specific places for a specific period of time as one of the alternatives to penalties depriving of liberty and the extent of the application of those penalties in the
judicial rulings issued by the criminal courts in Jordan.

Keywords: community penalties, liberty-depriving penalties, community service, community monitoring, electronic monitoring
