Home > Publications > Sufferings of Families who Became Victims of Bomb Blasts and Suicide Attacks in Pakistan: A Case Study of Three Cities

Sufferings of Families who Became Victims of Bomb Blasts and Suicide Attacks in Pakistan: A Case Study of Three Cities

Saif- ur- Rehman Saif Abbasi, Muhammad Babar Akram & Sara Farooq

The paper attempted to identify the social, economic and psychological sufferings of the
families whose members became victims of bomb blasts. It was carried out in twin- cities:
Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The study was conducted under quantitative research design. A
sample of one hundred and sixty respondents was selected among the families who suffered
from such kind of terrorism. The study considers how the families whose kith and kins had
lost their lives in bomb blasts find their family chain broken and to what extent their routine
life has been affected. The study shows that bomb blast disturbed the whole social structure
and function of the affected families in particular and society in general. The findings of the
study reveal that the ratio of bomb blasts and suicidal attacks was almost equal. Their
recreational activities were also affected as a result of these acts of terrorism. The study
further indicates that the victims were not satisfied with the aid provided by the government.
In fact the victim families were demanding proper financial compensation as announced by
the government after the incident, as well as better medical facilities and job opportunities
for one of the family member to restore their normal living. The study recommended that in
order to alleviate sufferings of victim families, the government may provide livelihood
support in the form of such equipment to female members which help them to generate
income for their families.

Keywords: Victims, Family Suffering, Bomb Blasts, Suicide Attacks
