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Societal adjustment of probationers in Bahawalpur, Pakistan

Mohammad Iqbal & Asiya Anwar

The study was conducted with an aim to know the societal adjustment of probationers in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. For this purpose a convenience sample of 154 respondents who were ever released on probation was collected from three (3) Tehsils of Bhawahpur district. The data regarding hobbies of respondents, nature of crimes committed by the respondents, respondents’ satisfaction with the behavior of the probation officers, respondents’ views
about change in their personality , respondents’ level of adjustment in the society and reasons explaining the respondents’ low adjustment levels were collected on an interview schedule. The findings indicated that the respondents were mostly illiterate involved in crimes like theft, drug addiction, quarreling with others and gambling etc. The results further indicated that slightly more than a half of the respondents (i.e.50.65 %) show low level of adjustment, the
reasons being multiple which could be dominance of respondents’ revengeful feelings, improper services provided by the POs and least contact with the POs, improper sitting place in PO’s offices and strict behavior of the POs etc.

Key Words: societal adjustment, probationers, crimes
