Home > Publications > Role of Family on Juvenile Delinquency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Role of Family on Juvenile Delinquency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Mazhar Islam1 , Aisha Shoukat2 & Muhammad Ibrahim3

Juvenile delinquency is a massive problem throughout the world. There are so many factors contributing to this evil however, the family institution is the most contributing factor to the phenomena. Although the family institution is the prior informal agent of child socialization due to their negligence most of the children become delinquent. The three prisons of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were the universe of the study for the aforementioned study namely Central Jail Haripur, Central Jail Peshawar, and District Jail Mansehra. A significant
association was found between juvenile delinquency with the family that has
negatively affected the juveniles, criminal background of children leads to delinquents’ acts, Illiterate parenting leaves a flaw in juveniles’ socialization and weak attachment between parent and child leads to delinquent behaviour among juveniles. Majority of the parents were on job and due to their negligence, their children were involved in delinquent activities. It is therefore suggested to the family that they should be careful about their children’s socialization and give proper time for their children. Government and other organizations also need to
lunch awareness programs about how to bitterly socialize delinquent children.

Keywords: Juvenile, Delinquency, Prison, Family, and Socialization.
