Home > Publications > Problems Faced by Women in Police Stations: Need for Police Reforms in Pakistan

Problems Faced by Women in Police Stations: Need for Police Reforms in Pakistan

Syeda Mahnaz Hassan

This research paper manifests the challenges faced by the women in Pakistan approaching
the police stations. The paper provides holistic overview of the barriers to justice for women
and elaborates the problems women face in pursuing their issues in the police stations.A
quantitative study was conducted with 43 women who visited 18 different police stations for
reporting some crime or initiating a First Investigation Report (FIR). The study findings
revealed that majority of the respondents faced a dissuading attitude of police while
reporting the crime or lodging FIR. The study concluded that a major behavioural change is
required to make the police system effective so that the complainants should not hesitate to
report their incidents to the police. The study recommends the need for capacity building of
police employees, behavioural change, gender-sensitive trainings anduse of modern
equipment and information and communication technologies (ICT). The improvement in
working conditions and changed organizational culture would facilitate in creating a
department that will be respected by the masses.

Keywords: Police, Women Problems, First Investigation Report, Dissuading Attitude, Behavioural Change, Gender-sensitive Trainings.
