Home > Publications > Preserving National Security within the Rule of Law Framework in Pakistan

Preserving National Security within the Rule of Law Framework in Pakistan

Dr. Faqir Hussain

The maintenance of national security is a vital function of the State,
performed through the use of all available resources including the defense
forces, economic/financial resources and the art of diplomacy. But the
preservation of rule of law is of no less significance, it being a key element
of constitutional governance and democratic dispensation. In extraordinary
circumstances with real and present threat to national security/integrity, the
Government can strike a balance between the needs to protect State/society
and preserve individual freedom. Under the Constitution of Pakistan, the
proclamation of Emergency and/or deployment of armed forces (Article
245), in aid of civil power, entail the abridgement of certain fundamental
rights/freedoms. The 21st Amendment however travels beyond the
prescribed limits and disturbs the delicate balance by taking away the
constitutional safeguards of fair trial. The defects/shortcomings in criminal
justice system cannot be a pretext for its substitution by an alien system,
untenable under the law/Constitution.

Keywords: National Security, Rule of Law, 21st Amendment, Emergency,
Legal/Judicial Reforms
