Home > Publications > Perceived Risk Factors of Terrorist Attacks in Educational Institutions: The Case of KPK, Pakistan

Perceived Risk Factors of Terrorist Attacks in Educational Institutions: The Case of KPK, Pakistan

Sumbal Ayub1, Alam Khan2 & FarhatUllah3

A survey conducted to assess KPK’s understanding of risk in the
education sector in relation to terrorist attacks against educational institutions. The
impact of terrorism, the threat of insecurity, the disruption of the social network
and the fear generated by terrorism has been assessed. A descriptive crosssectional survey was conducted in several KPK schools, colleges and universities
from December 2018 to February 2019. A semi-structured questionnaire was
conducted to examine the institutions’ perceptions of the risk of terrorist activity
and its consequences for KPK. Life and education, social activities and frequency
of generation of fear. Several factors were used to analyze the survey. 88% of
respondents mentioned the fact that the number of attacks in public places
increases the risk for the institutions and the same percentage answered that the
security measures taken by the institutions could reduce them. The risks. In
addition, 52% of respondents considered the sites to be a risk report and most
students felt that educational institutions should adopt an adequate security system
to deal with risk factors such as the threat of terrorist attacks. Feelings of
insecurity, generation of fear.

Keywords: Terrorist attack, Educational institutes, Risk factors, KPK
