Home > Publications > Maturity Levels for Outlaw Groups: The Case of Hells Angels MC

Maturity Levels for Outlaw Groups: The Case of Hells Angels MC

Petter Gottschalk

The maturity of outlaw biker groups varies among gangs as well as among
countries where a gang is present. In this article, a four stage model for
maturity is introduced to help define the threat represented by outlaw
groups. Maturity models such as the one for Hells Angels introduced in
this article can serve several important purposes. First, general insights
into evolution over time can be generated and communicated to decision makers in society. Second, a contingent approach to law enforcement implies that the police and other government agencies can apply appropriate measures depending on the maturity level of a specific outlaw motorcycle gang. Thus, law enforcement can distinguish approaches for
fighting non-mature gangs versus mature gangs. Third, the evolution of gangs over time provides insights into the mechanisms that make gangs more and more dangerous and threatening to society.

Keywords: Maturity, Outlaw, Groups, Hells, Angels
