Home > Publications > History of Social Welfare and Domestic Violence Shelters called Dar ul Amans: A Case Study of Punjab Province Pakistan

History of Social Welfare and Domestic Violence Shelters called Dar ul Amans:A Case Study of Punjab Province Pakistan

By:Dr. Raazia Hassan Naqvi1, Dr. Muhammad Ibrar, Dr. Christine Walsh

This paper presents some of the significant events and issues of the Indian subcontinent that gave rise to the evolution of social welfare education and practice
and also the establishment of shelter homes later in Pakistan after independence
in 1947. It is important to know the history of social welfare and shelter homes
in Pakistan to understand how private and public entities took up the challenge
of working on the issue of violence against women. The challenges and problems
faced by women shelter home residents in the Punjab province of Pakistan are
also examined.
Keywords: History, social welfare, Shelter homes, Punjab Pakistan.

