Home > Publications > Global Criminology: A ‘news’ perspective for criminological inquiry?1

Global Criminology: A ‘news’ perspective for criminological inquiry?1

John A. Winterdyk2

Although the study of criminology and criminal justice in Pakistan have not
received much attention over the years, this article presents a „new‟ model of
criminological and criminal justice inquiry that may offer some promise for
enlivening the study of crime and criminal justice within a broader context that is
more reflective of the complex world we live in today. By reviewing the evolution of
the study of crime from a provincial to comparative and international perspective, it is
suggested that academic criminology scholars in Pakistan (and elsewhere around the
world) embrace a global criminology perspective in an effort to better understand,
explain, describe, and predict crime trends not only within Pakistan but in relation to
its role and place in the international community. Global criminology is offered as a
new form of criminological inquiry.

Keywords: Global Criminology, International Criminology, Comparative
Criminology, Pakistan Criminology
