Home > Publications > Factors Behind the Growing Sectarian Violence in the Newly Tribal District Kurram of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Since 9/11 (2001)

Factors Behind the Growing Sectarian Violence in the Newly Tribal District Kurram of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Since 9/11 (2001)

Mr. Sharif Khan1, Dr. Zafar Khan2 and Dr. Rahman Ullah3

Various socio-economic and political factors spur the sectarian violence in
Pakistan. This research study investigates factors behind the growing sectarian
violence in the wake of war against terror in the tribal belt of Pakistan. The main
purpose of this research paper is to know the relationship between terrorism and
sectarian violence after US led war on terror. Various local and trans-national terrorist
groups have fueled the local sectarianism for their own interest. Terrorists’
organization have encouraged and motivated local people for sectarian clashes, which
have destroyed the bond of unity between the local sects which were existed before
new wave of terrorism. The current wave of sectarian violence cannot be controlled
without eradication of terrorism of this region.

Key words: Sectarian Violence; Trans-national Terrorism; War on Terror; Safe
