Home > Publications > Editorial: The Public Opinion Phenomenon as One of the Main Means of Combating Crime in the Modern World

Editorial: The Public Opinion Phenomenon as One of the Main Means
of Combating Crime in the Modern World

The golden rule of morality, which lies in not doing things onto other that would be undesirable in relation to oneself, is still one of the most popular moral imperatives among people in the conditions of common life, regardless of social status. At the level of public consciousness, this principle forms the foundations of equality, humanism, and underlies preventive and explanatory work to counter bullying, mobbing, and, ultimately, the implementation of a non-discrimination policy. When a citizen experiences any form of discrimination, to eliminate the processes of persecution and incitement of enmity, it is necessary to clarify information about such phenomena in the public environment, with the purpose of developing public condemnation of illegal actions by public opinion, and
ultimately, justly punishing the guilty.
