Home > Publications > Disaster Relief Corruption A Case Study of Balakot Town

Disaster Relief Corruption A Case Study of Balakot Town

Amir Zada Asad, Imran Ahmad Sajid, & Basharat Hussain

Natural disaster provides an opportunity for development as well as corruption. Corruption
in disaster relief activities has gained a global attention. Pakistan is no exception. The
vulnerability of Pakistan to a multiplicity of disasters like natural, hydrometer- logical, manmade, etc. is well known. However, the Government’s performance in Disaster situations
and its ability in organizing and providing Disaster response including distribution of relief
and the post disaster development is afar dream to come true. The main problem is the lack of
governance and the culture of corruption generated and patronized by those who are
responsible for it nipping. Corruption in humanitarian aid devoured most of the charities
meant for the affectees and the national money allocated for the purpose. This paper takes
Balakot as a case study of disaster relief corruption. In Balakot, only 14 % developmental
work in eight years was completed, i.e. less than 2% a year.

Keywords: Earth quake, Post-disaster Reconstruction, Development Opportunities, Disaster,
Development, Governance not Government, Corruption, Patronage of Corruption on State
