Home > Publications > Criminalization of Acts Impacting Human Security as a Result of the System of International Relations

Criminalization of Acts Impacting Human Security as a Result of the System of International Relations

Arzygul M. Djorobekova1, Dooronbek Shamshievich Nuriev2, Maria Kasymbaevna Sayakova3, Kenzhebek kyzy Makhabat4, Almagul Mukhtarbekovna Kokoeva5 & Alexey Vasilyevich Shevchenko6

The article analyzes the issues of indirect, negative moral and cultural impact, financial, economic, intellectual, and biological interference by individual countries and international organizations in relation to other countries. The necessity of diagnosing such negative mass actions by means of a systematic approach is substantiated due to the implicitness of these influences. The systemic synthesis of prognostic knowledge ensures the prediction of the development of directions of the theoretical doctrine of crimes against humanity, both from the standpoint of international law and national criminal law.

Keywords: Security System, International Relations, International Crime, Crimes against Peace and Security, Genocide, UN, Crimes against the Security of Mankind.
