Home > Publications > Criminal Investigation by Police, Causes and Effects of Faulty Investigation: A Case Study of Islamabad Capital Territory Police

Criminal Investigation by Police, Causes and Effects of Faulty Investigation: A Case Study of Islamabad Capital Territory Police

Usman Ghani1

The criminal investigation by police has attained the omphalos role because of the gate keeping function of the modern criminal justice system. Investigation is highly skillful task and requires time, dedication, and attention to detail. The faults in the investigation can be ascribed to the departure from the laws, rules, and procedures. The causes of such departure are not just on the part of the investigation officers but on the whole system. The culture of police department, the public attitude, the routine, and the life standard of investigation
officers contribute to such departures. Investigation officers are the linchpin of the
police and the criminal justice system, addressing the root causes of such departures and by understanding the dynamics of Islamabad Capital Territory, the effectiveness of the investigation carried out by Investigation Officers of Islamabad Police can be enhanced. This will restore the public confidence in the criminal justice system.

Keywords: Criminal Investigation by Police, Police Routine, Faulty Investigation, Crime Prevention, Criminal Investigation Policy, Reforming Criminal Justice System
