Home > Publications > Crime and Violence: The Tourism Product Rotting Away in Trinidad and Tobago

Crime and Violence: the Tourism Product Rotting Away in Trinidad and Tobago

Johnny Coomansingh

Apart from the dilapidated conditions of many roads, road signs, bridges and barriers
especially in rural areas, many historic buildings are left to rot away and crumble to the
ground. Dangerous landslides are everywhere. After heavy rains, muddy water and debris
rush down the hillsides of the Northern Range to Port of Spain and other cities below. Many
beaches are littered with garbage left by beachgoers. Traffic jams are ceaseless and lines at
public and private places such as banks are unending. Coupled with these yet tolerable
factors, Trinidad and Tobago is experiencing an unprecedented crime problem. Murders are
occurring on a daily basis and banditry and police corruption are rampant in the system.
Illegal drug running remains an extremely serious problem on the landscape. Several
countries including Britain, the United States, Canada, and New Zealand have issued travel
advisories to their citizens concerning the worsening crime situation against tourists in
Trinidad and Tobago. Personal observations during annual visits to the islands from January
2004 to January 2009 will complement articles extracted from local, regional, and
international newspapers for pertinent information relevant to crimes against both domestic
and foreign tourists.

Keywords: Tourism Industry, Crime, Violence, Police, Problem, Beach, Spain.
