Home > Publications > Committing a Criminal Offence by an Organized Criminal Group

Committing a Criminal Offence by an Organized Criminal Group

Ruslan Orlovskyi1 , Olha Us2 & Viktor Shevchuk3

Offences by criminal organisations are a particularly dangerous and destructive type of crime for both society and the state. This type of crime carries immense potential in the financial and economic spheres, which are not controlled by the state and society. The paper aimed to analyse existing international standards and methods of countering organised crime at the international level. In addition, the most important and relevant obstacles to the joint international fight against this phenomenon are examined. The study applies, along with general scientific methods, a number of special methods, to which induction, deduction,
event analysis, and content analysis can be attributed. Moreover, the research methods are complemented by the use of a systematic approach. The study includes a detailed analysis of various types of international cooperation in the field of combating organised crime. The conducted study has shown that in the legal doctrine of Ukraine, the criminal concept of “commitment of a criminal offence by an organised group” is ambiguous: on the one hand, it is considered a social phenomenon (a real, conscious, volitional complex act of creating an
organised gro up for the purpose of committing a crime or joining it at the stage of organising such a criminal association or a conscious, volitional act committed by a person as part of an organised group at the stage of its functioning).The study can also be used for the scientific and theoretical substantiation of further elaboration of actions to counteract the above type of offences.

Keywords: Criminogenic situation, destructive social consequences, shadow economy, modernisation of legislation, penitentiary system
