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Child Victimization: Case Study of Child Scavengers in Twin Cities of Pakistan

Jalal Shehzad

The piles of garbage and dump sites in Pakistan reflect the lives of innocent children whom
survival is dependent on garbage picking. These young scavengers reflect the growing
phenomenon worldwide of child labor. It is a phenomenon that has been closely linked with
poverty and urbanization and it has serious impacts on the socio-physical well being of
children. These children are offering their contribution in the economic gains of family at the
expense of their lives. Exploitation and violence are two important but neglected aspects of
child scavenging. This study describes the violence against child scavengers at different
places like on workplace, home etc. Moreover it also highlights the people who are
responsible for violence against these children. This research was carried out in Kachi abadi
of Peer Wadhaye, Islamabad Pakistan, through using participant observation, informal
interviews, and purposive sampling techniques of data for this qualitative study was

Keywords: Scavengers, Violence, Dumpsite and Twin Cities.
