Home > Publications > Child Sexual Abuse in Pakistan: The Need for an Indigenous Scientific Knowledge Base, Effective Policy Making and Prevention

Child Sexual Abuse in Pakistan: The Need for an Indigenous Scientific Knowledge Base, Effective Policy Making and Prevention

Uzma Gillani

Child sexual abuse is a big social problem worldwide with concomitant suffering, though its
acceptance as such in Pakistan is a recent phenomenon. Given the sensitivity of the issue in
Pakistan, while the measures taken in this regard by various government and nongovernmental organizations are commendable there is still a lot more that to be done. This
entails both improving our existing efforts and addressing neglected but important issues
regarding CSA in Pakistan. Effective policies in this regard need to be based on an
indigenous scientific knowledge base, which in turn will be translated into effective policy
formulation and interventions to curb and prevent CSA crimes in the country. Furthermore
where CSA is concerned it means close liaison amongst the criminal justice system, health
care professionals, researchers and community based organizations.

Keywords: Child Sexual Abuse, Pakistan, Scientific Knowledge Base, Policy, Interventions,
