Home > Publications > A Criminological Study – Security Challenges to Humanitarian Work of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Sindh, Pakistan 

A Criminological Study – Security Challenges to Humanitarian Work of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Sindh, Pakistan

Kamran Shahzad1 & Aamer Raza2

Pakistan possesses a huge gap of conducting humanitarian aid programs. The
leading socio-economic and security challenges are over population, poverty, crime
and unemployment. Non-government organizations are having robust presence in the
country and have been strongly contributing a significant role in development of
country’s ignored sectors including Infrastructure, Health and Education. The purpose
of this research study is to identify and analyze various variables bringing security
threats to humanitarian aid programs related to Non-Governmental Organizations in
Pakistan’s Sindh province and to come out with possible solutions to reduce and
culminate those threats. This research is based on a cross-sectional study supported by
different sociological theories. Out of the limitations (non-exhaustive) included here
are due to area uniqueness, less availability of secondary data and low response level
from NGOs. Research outcome has proven that efficiency of aid work decreases
when there is a higher security threat. Proposed few recommendations include
development of policies, welfare organization’s role and assurance of effective
implementation. Emphasized here isNGOs proactive role to engage media to uplift its
positive image. Police and Madrassa reforms are also much needed to control crime
and handle radicalization hampers to aid programs.

Keywords: Security, Humanitarianism, Humanitarian Security, Humanitarian
Aid, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Bunkerization
Strategy, Non-Radicalization, Police Reforms,Madrassa Reforms
